Waiting for You, My Lover
Oh my lover, where art thou?
As the moon envelops the sun
As the sky meets the oceans,
And as we taste the warmth of each other’s breath
Let us not prolong the night
And taste the sweetness of each other’s bud.
Oh my lover, where art thou?
My mountains are waiting
Grasp it with all your might,
And push hard the very bosom where it lies
My waters are overflowing
Drifting across layers of soft mounds.
Oh my lover, where art thou?
Enter the inner boulders of my sanctuary
Wet the earth with your blessings,
And let a thousand bolt breaks the monotony of silence
As quickly as the earth quakes beneath,
Heaven is celebrating.
Oh my lover, where art thou?
Sway to the rivers rhythm
Glide with the thunderous waves,
And enter wide the mouth of welcoming ocean
As it bounce back the echoes of the depth
Pushing, tearing, and ripping apart.
Oh my lover, where art thou?
I am forever waiting, sweating
On the shore of hope,
And lying on its empty sand
Naked, inviting, biting
Come my darling, come, the portal is open.
Oh my lover, where art thou?
The penetrating heat I can’t be no more
A time lapse and you’re gone.
Back to your abode, back to mine
As the dark covers the secret
Of hidden treasure, lies bygone, forgotten.
Poet:Rhea Mae T. Mahilum
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