The first time I met you

At a young brethrens' conference

Under the dark shade of the green yew

Our feet soaked in the hungry morning dew

For it knew in due time could dry

When the angry and fierce sun sets it’s rays grim

Destroying the mighty mist

That vailed my dim view

Not to see the taints in you

My eyes would only love the scene

Of the beauty before never seen

Though to one thing blind to see

At the apex of your difference

Many traits were none my preference

And in those bold sexy eyes

My heart was the target

Just like those before you

That chewed my heart alive

And even though you held me tight

You didn’t treat me right


Days went without a count

For none was even keen

As if it wasn’t of need

To observe the hour hand

That slightly matched the beating heart

While ours were romantic deeds

Whenever we had a chance

And nothing was talked about

Without that love beat

That we always sung and danced

To the rhythm of love days to come

Then forgetting the former

With its formality haunt

That was a reality blot

That SAME you were to them

Nothing like it could I imagine

That you too could hurt

And even if I said not

You didn’t treat me right


You asked me of your photos to return

That you gave me when our love was young

You said to have them with you

Gave you terrible nightmares

Like honey that tastes bitter

The sweet that tastes nasty

But how was I to know

The reason you were real to me

Was a trade for a falsary

Now with one eye I cry dry

Is it fair to pay the fair,

With a snap of a snare?

And to date my heart bleeds

You didn’t treat me right


As if that was not enough

You set yourself to the lanes above

Where you thought the fields green

Not to remember life is an endless path

With stages that we all have

And mine I was yet to come

Where mighty and classy corresponds

Now here I was left with a gleaning gleam

For you thought I was without brain

To choose you after a lofty strain

Of both mind and implied grin

For both my heart and soul respond

To your catchy beauty and demure

Now the reason why I have this haunting pain

Of feeling unloved and wasted

And forever my heart wonders in this pool

Of ceaseless confusion and groans

Like a wasp on  the spider’s web

Or maybe I should assume

That you remember me in the morning

And find pressure in relinquish ebb

Just like I find delight in mourning

Every time I remember

You didn’t treat me right





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