Everyone who has set goals and is dedicated to achieve them will always dream of how to succeed. With the dedication to achieve the goals, there also comes a frightening feeling of the worst possible outcome of that situation. That is the fear of failure, which can benefit you when you use it in the right way. Being a form of negative energy, the fear of failure can easily draw you into laxity and abandon your goals. Taking on challenging goals can be scary and intimidating resulting in unnecessary stress and anxiety. How can you use your fear of failure as a motivation to increase your chances of success? Below are tips that will help you capitalize on your fear of failure as a motivation for you to achieve your goals.

1.Acknowledge Your Fears.

One step to conquering fear is to acknowledge that the fears are real and valid. While this may sound unappealing to hear, it is one of the best approach to achieve your goals amidst the fear of failure. You have to agree with the fact that fear of failure is there and it can be the biggest barrier to your success. Pretending that you don’t have the fear cannot make it go away. The fear will be on your mind to give you reasons why you should stay in your comfort zone. Accept that you are afraid and write down what exactly you are afraid of. This will help you draft a plan on how to move forward regardless of the fear.

2. Work On the Fear.

Once you acknowledge your fear of failure and have it down on paper, prioritize conquering them. Deal with the fears depending on their imminence. The more you look at the fear, the more reason you get to work on achieving your goals. Getting to know what may stand in your way of success makes you prepare for it in advance. For instance, if you have the fear of failing in a certain project, identify the reasons that may lead to the failure and implement the measures that will increase the likelihood of your success. Self-doubt can easily arise and hinder your success if you don’t work on that fear as soon as it comes up. Having firm goals makes you develop strategies that will prevent underachievement or disengagement of set goals.

3. Measure Success Right.

Dedicating yourself to achieving your goals means setting your targets with which to measure your success. While it may not be an issue to know the progress of other people, you cannot use them as a success factor in your plans. You have to realize you have unique goals, needs and abilities in comparison to other people. When chasing your dreams, focus your energy on achieving it without looking at other people’s successes or failures. If you give much attention to others’ successes and failures, the fear of failure may stop you from moving towards your goals. You may need to draw motivation from other people but you still need to be your own great motivator. If you mimic what people around you have been doing, their failure will definitely be your failure. You can learn from others, but this should not stray you from pursuing your goals.

4. No Risk, No Gain.

All successful people have had to take risks at one point or another in life. You have to take risks for you to gain something. The human mind is always seeking the easiest and comfortable ways to accomplish something. Failure is also part of the successful journey. Take risks, and if you fail, you will learn how to do better. When the fear of failure rises, choose to leave your comfort zone. You cannot attain your lofty goals unless you are ready to take risks.

Don’t allow your fear of failure to paralyze your move to achieve your goals. You should however use it as a driving force towards success. By acknowledging the fear, you will be able to put every possible measure in place to ensure your success is achieved. 

Edited by Beldine.



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