Narrations to a poem.

There is such a thing as narrative poetry,occasioned by the fact that most poets are also story tellers,hence the poems have elements of narration.Narrations to a poem is however a different subject,and involves a reader getting to deduce the narrative from a poem.It involves getting to understand the poem correctly,so that you can tell the story the poet intended to tell.This is not hard,if you know what to look for,and the following is what you need to identify:

1)      The speaker also known as the persona,and is the one who speaks the words in the poem.Some poems can have more than one speaker,while others can have the poet as the speaker. 

2)      The setting,which refers to the time and location where the story takes place. 

3)      The situation which refers to the circumstances or state of affairs a character or characters in the poem find themselves in at a given time or moment in the poem. 

4)      The plot which refers to the events or deeds in the poem which lead to a particular moral ending. 

5)      Character which refers to the fictional or imaginary person or people in the poem.what character have the words made you imagine?

In writing a narration to a poem,you need to tell the story under the framework of the above five elements of a narration(or simply story).A great more people prefer stories to poems,so adding a narration to a poem is one way to ensure that it gets read!It increases consumption of poems by breaking them down to something one can easily understand away from the mystique of a poem.Offcourse the narration itself needs to be entertaining,or it won’t get read!

It is not an easy thing to come up with a true narration to a poem,as some poems can be understood in different ways,but the best way to go about it is to simply read the poem several times,and then as a narration write the first one that you conclude on.Thinking too much on what story the poet was trying to communicate usually takes you farther away into the realm of confusion.Simply write as narration the first story you think of,following the above five elements of a narration,after reading the poem two or three times.

narrations to a poem in the cheki cheki poetry festival kenya's first poetry festival.



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