
Showing posts from November, 2020


I did but promise myself Never forget nor act flippant of the night, When you told me forever your heart will be the shelf For mice and chipmunks to have access denied, And forever the seal of love will knit it tight Where the urban lads though much tried Their fists and blow wouldn’t match the fight, Mine throws aside without bellows tied   For though horse and donkey racing In the misty dust of the shining moonlight And the donkey is used to tread With cargo when it’s not from grazing While the horse is fed in a noble stable For though equal in height Will the horse not faint?   I remember how love engulfed me   Like a young nymph on the spider’s web I would feel the throttling thrill   Of your imbuing touch with no ebb, Burning stares and flares of your scorching eyes Drilling into my warm fresh making it a motionless ice, For then we knew nothing about kissing If we did your lips could hail in jail For so sweet would it be For

Waiting for You, My Lover

  Oh my lover, where art thou? As the moon envelops the sun As the sky meets the oceans, And as we taste the warmth of each other’s breath Let us not prolong the night And taste the sweetness of each other’s bud.   Oh my lover, where art thou? My mountains are waiting Grasp it with all your might, And push hard the very bosom where it lies My waters are overflowing Drifting across layers of soft mounds.   Oh my lover, where art thou? Enter the inner boulders of my sanctuary Wet the earth with your blessings, And let a thousand bolt breaks the monotony of silence As quickly as the earth quakes beneath, Heaven is celebrating.         Oh my lover, where art thou? Sway to the rivers rhythm Glide with the thunderous waves, And enter wide the mouth of welcoming ocean As it bounce back the echoes of the depth Pushing, tearing, and ripping apart.   Oh my lover, where art thou? I am forever waiting, sweating On the shore of hop

My kisses.

  I send you a dozen kisses, the sweetest, And as you count them to the very last, See to it that none of them gets lost, Savour them, for I love you in earnest. Poet:Njunguna.  

Narrations to a poem.

There is such a thing as narrative poetry,occasioned by the fact that most poets are also story tellers,hence the poems have elements of narration.Narrations to a poem is however a different subject,and involves a reader getting to deduce the narrative from a poem. It involves getting to understand the poem correctly,so that you can tell the story the poet intended to tell.This is not hard,if you know what to look for,and the following is what you need to identify: 1)       The speaker also known as the persona,and is the one who speaks the words in the poem.Some poems can have more than one speaker,while others can have the poet as the speaker.   2)       The setting,which refers to the time and location where the story takes place.   3)       The situation which refers to the circumstances or state of affairs a character or characters in the poem find themselves in at a given time or moment in the poem.   4)       The plot which refers to the events or deeds in the poem which lea