The poet of the month contest.


 This contest will,like the other three contests,see a winner and two runners up.Judges from fortune money publishing house and allied sponsors will decide the best poem of the month,based on the richness of the poem and clarity of the message,as well as how interesting and easy to read the poem is,as afterall,art is a form of entertainment.The poems to be considered will be the ten most popular during the month,that had been entered for the contest category.

Individual poets can enter up to 3 poems under this category,each new month,for the three months,at any time during the month.Poems can not be entered twice to the same category.Only popularity metrics from the patron,the publishing house,will be considered in deciding the 10 most popular poems for the month.

Poets will be assisted by fortune magazine,one of the allied sponsors,in popularizing their poems through email distribution.The details of this assistance will be communicated to the participating poets by email.The participating poems will all be published on the site House of Money,while the winning poems will be published again on the site fortunes.

The winning poem will earn the poet a cash prize of ksh.10,000,and ksh.8,000 and ksh.6,000 to the first and second runners up respectively.In addition,all winning poets will get awarded a certificate of participation and an automatic entry of their respective winning poems to the grand CHEKI CHEKI poet contest.

so now go ahead and enter your poem to the contest!and good luck!

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