The CHEKI CHEKI poetry festival rules, guidelines and categories.


 This inaugural festival is Kenya's greatest event celebrating poetry as an art form,under the patronage of the lead sponsor,Fortune money publishing house,see introduction here Introduction.Participants are from all over the world,and one can participate as a reader,poet,or sponsor.The festival has 4 categories of winners,and a poet is allowed to enter up to 3 poems for each category,and poets can submit poetry for all categories,and a poem as well as a poet can win in more than one category.The festival is running between November 2020 and January 2021.

You can enter your poem to all the four categories of contests from the word go,giving you more opportunity to at least win in one category!This is winning made easy!

All participating poems and poets will be published on appropriate platforms by the patron,to allow for tracking of popularity or readership which is part of the judging process.The categories are:

1) Fortnight poet contest.

Every two weeks we will have a winner as the most popular poem by the metric of readership,i.e,which poem has been most read.The poet with the most read poem will win the fortnight poet award,which includes a certificate of participation and a cash prize of ksh.5,000.The first runners up and second runners up will be awarded a certificate of participation and a cash prize of ksh.3,000 and ksh.1,500 respectively.the three winning poems will also get an automatic entry into the poet of the month contest.For details on how the contest will run,see here fortnight poet contest.

2) Poet of the month contest.

This will be the best poem for the month as selected by the contest judges.The winning poem should also be among the top 10 most read poems that month giving readers a say in the win. The winner will be awarded a certificate of participation,an automatic entry of the poem into the grand Cheki Cheki poet contest and a cash prize of ksh.10,000.The first runners up and second runners up will be awarded a certificate of participation,automatic entry into the grand Cheki Cheki poet contest and a cash prize of ksh.8,000 and ksh.6,000 respectively.For more details on this category,click here the poet of the month contest.

3) The grand CHEKI CHEKI poet contest.

This is the main contest and will have a winner,first runners up and second runners up.The winning poem should be among the 20 most popular poems for the three month duration of the festival,as well as be selected by the judges as the best,and readers voting for it as the best.The winner will be awarded a certificate of participation,a cash prize of 30,000 and be a publishing deal for an anthology of poems.The first and second runners up will each get awarded a certificate of participation,cooperation in publishing an anthology of poems,and a cash prize of ksh.22,000 and ksh.12,000 respectively.For details on how to participate in this category,click here the grand CHEKI CHEKI poet contest.

4) The young professional poet contest.

The three winners will be poets who have submitted the most poems in the competition,whether they have won a contest or not.Every participating poet will enter into this category by default.The winner will be awarded a certificate of participation,and a cash prize of ksh.7,500.The first runners up will be awarded a certificate of participation and a cash prize of ksh.5,000,while the second runners up will get the certificate and a cash price of ksh.2,500.In addition,all participating poets will win part of the publishing deals on offer.

The festival will start on 1st November 2020, and end on 31st January,2021,but poets are free to start submitting their work at any time of the festival.All participating poets are winners,as on their permission,all their poems will be published by fortune money publishing house on different platforms,and revenues generated from their work shared with them.The festival will transform amateur poets into professional poets,earning from their work o art.

A poem can be entered to different categories,but not to the same category twice.A poet can participate in all categories.The patron of the festival,Fortune Money Publishing House,will provide all the necessary support to participants to make the contest a success.

Submit your poems to the editor at,clearly highlighting your name and the category or categories you are entering specific poems to.  Any inquiries by interested readers and potential sponsors should also be directed to the above given email address.Let's celebrate African art!


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