
Showing posts from December, 2020

Pouring out the heart to God;a hopeful prayer

   I Hope This Day Is Good Lord,I sincerely hope this day is good, For I feel empty and quite hopeless, I have been variously misunderstood,  Many a people have branded me useless, Dear Lord I hope this day is good. Lord I hope you will understand, And make my crying a little less, To my manifold woes do attend, My aching heart,kindly do caress, Dear Lord I hope you understand. Lord,I'm not asking for any kind of fame, Nor im I seeking for a huge fortune, All I'm asking is that you hastily come, And make my grieving heart all fine, Lord,I'm not asking for fame. Good Lord,up there at Calvary, Your precious blood you did shed, And suffered a death so gory, So that my sins could be blotted, All was finished up at calvary. I'm sure that I'm still on your mind, And I feel I haven't been forgotten, Seeing as you're famed for being kind, I humbly ask that you ease my pain, For I know I'm on your mind. njuguna


       page 5                                                                                             go back to page 4. The brawl attracted other students who took sides and joined instead of trying to stop the fight. The dormitory resembled a war zone with upturned boxes, books, beddings and all sorts of items littering the scene. It took almost an hour for the student leaders, some of whom were also drunk to settle the fight. When the scuffle was over, everyone save for a drunken students who blacked out amid the fight went away noisily to their cubicles.   Konyeki approached one of the few sober students who informed him that, "drinking is the norm here." He urged Konyeki to be prepared "for many sleepless nights." The University administration was overwhelmed as most of the students either took alcohol or drugs. Other students informed Konyeki that University administration did not bother about what students did after classes even if someone was making a


      page 4                                                             go back to page 3. Inside, there were congested cubicles with personal items scattered all over. Konyeki could not understand the way a renowned institution like this could have such dirty and neglected facilities. Finally, he found an empty bed in one of the cubicles. His relief was short-lived when some students who claimed to be seniors said they could not share a room with newly admitted students. "You cannot live in your father's bedroom," they told him. He encountered the same thing in several other cubicles. Konyeki returned to the Registrar after dawning on him that he might sleep outside. He carried everything with him as he could not trust anyone.  "Looks like you are inseparable from trouble, what is it now?" The surprised Registrar asked Konyeki, in a weak voice. He explained his problem and this time, the Registrar called two student leaders and instructed them to ensure Ko


  Everyone who has set goals and is dedicated to achieve them will always dream of how to succeed. With the dedication to achieve the goals, there also comes a frightening feeling of the worst possible outcome of that situation. That is the fear of failure, which can benefit you when you use it in the right way. Being a form of negative energy, the fear of failure can easily draw you into laxity and abandon your goals. Taking on challenging goals can be scary and intimidating resulting in unnecessary stress and anxiety. How can you use your fear of failure as a motivation to increase your chances of success? Below are tips that will help you capitalize on your fear of failure as a motivation for you to achieve your goals. 1.Acknowledge Your Fears. One step to conquering fear is to acknowledge that the fears are real and valid. While this may sound unappealing to hear, it is one of the best approach to achieve your goals amidst the fear of failure. You have to agree with the fact th


  The first time I met you At a young brethrens' conference Under the dark shade of the green yew Our feet soaked in the hungry morning dew For it knew in due time could dry When the angry and fierce sun sets it’s rays grim Destroying the mighty mist That vailed my dim view Not to see the taints in you My eyes would only love the scene Of the beauty before never seen Though to one thing blind to see At the apex of your difference Many traits were none my preference And in those bold sexy eyes My heart was the target Just like those before you That chewed my heart alive And even though you held me tight You didn’t treat me right   Days went without a count For none was even keen As if it wasn’t of need To observe the hour hand That slightly matched the beating heart While ours were romantic deeds Whenever we had a chance And nothing was talked about Without that love beat That we always sung and danced To the rhythm of lov


  They approach gradually and noisily, Shouting angrily all manner of obscenities, A spectacle that leaves many horror stricken, And running helter skelter for dear lives, This is an angry lot,very angry. The angry lot matches on undeterred, With menacing faces and bloodshot eyes, They are clad in identical green jerseys, Some blowing vuvuzelas and others whistles, They are an unruly lot,very unruly. In their wake is wanton destruction, Pelting unsuspecting motorists with stones, Mercilessly shattering their car windows, And pilfering whatever they lay their hands on, Surely they are an angry lot,very angry. Many are caught in this angry wave, Quite unawares and unfortunately so, Anything they lay their deft hands on, Disappears,magically,into their gaping pockets, This is a dangerous lot,very dangerous. A boy sees them and scampers for dear life, A scared motorist is in the same endeavor, I hear screeches,the boy is in the air, Before landing with a heavy t